Questions about what it’s like to work together?

Here are some of the most common questions I get from families about therapy. If you don’t see your question answered below, contact me.

  • My office/playroom is in Missoula, Montana. I can offer online sessions for kids, and adults and families all throughout Montana.

  • I use a software platform that has a video component. You will receive a link and you won't have to download anything. Just click the link at the time of your session. You can use your phone, tablet or computer.

    For adults and older kids, online therapy looks and feels a lot like in-person therapy, with the benefit of being able to snuggle in your PJs and have your furry bestie with you.

    For kids, I can offer play therapy sessions online - using the same platform, I'll let parents or caregivers know how they can support the session by providing toys or a makeshift sandtray, and a private space, but be prepared...online therapy with kids is not the same. We are often moving around, sometimes outside, playing games, and all the while, I am deeply attuning to your child's nervous system state, and helping them regulate as they become activated during the process of play.

  • I sure do! I have a playroom and office space I love so much I call it my sanctuary. And when your here it because your space.

  • I charge $225 for individuals and families for a 50-minute session. I don't take insurance. You can find out more about that here

  • I value your lived experience, and invite you to share it. I have spent my lifetime (starting with very progressive parents in the 70's) working continually - more in the last 20 years, to unpack and dismantle my own internalized racism and white supremacist biases.

    I constantly learn from BIPOC people I follow, and I actively speak up - putting past jobs, friendships and comfort on the line - for the rights of those of the global majority.

    I believe you are safe with me. But if you ever feel I have said something that was hurtful or acted in an unconsciously harmful way, I am open to that feedback for my learning and to repair with you.

  • There is no definitive way to answer this question.

    Everyone is different, and everyone has different goals.

    I tend to work with adults that are tackling complex childhood issues, and that can take years. However, taking a break and moving on to new therapists is common.

    Children who work with me tend to take about 16 sessions per issue. If it's a complex issue, or layers of issues, it may take longer. If it's a very young child (toddler or infant + parents) it may take fewer sessions to resolve issues and reach goals. Additionally, if you choose weekly sessions, it may take less time (and money) than if you space appointments out.

    For families, it really depends on you. How motivated are each of you to change, how ready you are to listen and hear each other, the depth and complexity of the issues you're dealing with. Anywhere from six months to a year or more is a good guess.

  • Adults:
    I will ask you what you want for yourself in the time we have. You may feel strongly you want to tell me your history, and maybe that will be what happens, but in the first appointment, it is important to understand that you are in charge of the sessions, where you want to go, and I will help get you there.

    The first appointment is with the child's grownups. I'll get a little more details from you about your kiddo, and then I'll share more about what I do, and then we'll talk logistics and scheduling if you still feel we are a good fit and you want to move forward.

    Your child's first, and subsequent sessions, will usually be 40-minutes, with you waiting in the lobby or in our beautiful yard, and the final 10-minutes, the two of you will switch places and I'll chat with you for a check-in. If this doesn't work due to the child's age, or any other reason, I will spend a full 50-minutes with the child, and schedule a grownup session every fifth session.

    For the first session, we will be going around to each of you and checking in about what you hope to get out of our time together. Why you're there, what you want for yourself and for your family. I am not going to focus on any one family member, but on the dynamics that led to you needing my assistance. It's never about any one person. You'll all have some work to do, and in that first session, we will start looking at some dynamics that are and aren't working.

  • Yes! I am, in fact, part of that group myself. I am welcoming to all families.

  • I am very much a neuro-affirming therapist.

    I myself am AuDHD, and I am happy to work with clients who have autistic and ADHD traits, or self- or actual diagnoses in welcoming and supportive ways.

    I am also familiar with Pathological Demand Avoidance, I raised a daughter who is PDA and am married to a PDAer. Your PDA kid is welcome with me.

    I do not support ABA therapy.

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